Michaelmas Time
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Posted by Alberta Art Classes at 7:08 AM 0 comments
On Turning Ten
Monday, September 28, 2009
Posted by Alberta Art Classes at 8:44 PM 0 comments
The Circle Game
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Please, go get a hankie and make sure you listen through at least one chorus. It gives you hope. It gave me hope. Courtesy of Andrea.
Posted by Alberta Art Classes at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Posted by Alberta Art Classes at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Farewell, Revenge
I thought I would feel better. I thought if I spoke my truth, I would feel better. I don't. I thought if H1 and H2 knew my story, the way it happened to me, I would feel better. I tried to be snarky and ill-tempered, but the thing is, that is just not me. Not at all. At the end of the day, I still say a little prayer to H1's and H2's angel. I ask that their angel guide them in light and truth and honor. So, you see dear readers, my attempt at revenge is simply not successful.
Posted by Alberta Art Classes at 7:01 PM 1 comments
Labels: Evening Musings
H1 and H2 Volume Two
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Let's see. Where did I leave off? I can't remember. I have been up since long before dawn. I do this. I can't sleep. I am not sure why. I am exhausted, but I never seem to make it through the night. This has not always been the case. I used to sleep a solid eight hours a night. I love sleeping at night. I have always been an early to bed, early to rise kind of girl. As a child, sleep overs were torture for me. My friends would sleep in until 10 am sometimes. I would have been awake with the dawn, watching them sleep, looking around their room from my sleeping bag on the floor. One time, I will admit, as I lie there waiting hours for my hostess to awaken...I spotted her diary under her bed. Yes, yes I did. May I add a qualifier? This might discredit me and prove to H1 and H2, that I am a liar. A big fat, can't be trusted liar. However, this particular friend was my bosom friend. We still are friends. We met the first day of second grade. Our names were not known alone, only with the other. Everyone in school knew we were best friends. I would sleep at her house nearly every weekend. I called her mother mom. She would drive us around Boyle Heights at night and tell stories of what it was like to grow up in that old Los Angeles neighborhood in the fifties. K-Earth 101 would be blaring oldies like "The Duke of Earl." She would usually have a can of Miller Lite tucked between her legs as she pointed out various spots of interest. But, I digress, again. I apologize H1 & H2. I can't say it won't happen a few more times. I know you are busy Barristers and all and have a lot to read. So, yes, I did read her diary. The funny thing about it was that I already knew everything that was written in it. How she liked Darryl, a lot. How she would drag her best friend(me,) to watch Darryl and his mates dress up like KISS and play covers in his garage. Good times, my friend, good times. So that is my qualifier. She was my best friend and reading her diary was akin to reading my own memoir.
Posted by Alberta Art Classes at 7:14 AM 1 comments
Hey, H & H!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sorry regular readers, the next few posts are dedicated to a couple of guys in Westlake Village. Yes, sirs, you know who you are. It seems as though you have taken a fancy for my blog. I am flattered. Little Ole' Me, lowly schoolteacher. Single mother, with a capital S. I say capital S, because unlike some single mothers, and fathers, they have help. A weekend here or there, a little child support, health insurance. You see, I didn't have any of those. I had the unfortunate luck of falling in love at the tender age of 20, with a charming, silver tongued devil. Cute as a whip, smart as all get out. Yet, there were many secrets in his crooked smile and good intentions. After trying for a very long time, eleven years, two children, countless ups and downs, I was a Single mother, with a captial S. There was no child support. Actually, I received $30 a week for about eight weeks from his Unemployment Benefits. That was nice. It helped.
Posted by Alberta Art Classes at 5:50 PM 2 comments
The Pablove Foundation
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Pablove Foundation
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Posted by Alberta Art Classes at 3:04 PM 0 comments
I now pronounce you...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Oh, my. A whirlwind of family activity, nieces and nephews abound! All but one of my eight siblings were here to celebrate the wedding of my nephew. There was artwork and swimming and giggles. There were trees to be climbed and pretty dresses. My daughter was home from university for the occasion, yippee! We enjoyed summery cocktails as the sun set and family photographs as the moon began to rise. There was slow dancing and the chicken dance. There were many dinners together and time spent lounging around. There was even the briefest Monopoly game known to man, thank goodness...
Posted by Alberta Art Classes at 7:07 AM 0 comments
Ablaze & The Heart of The Matter
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The mountains that line the northern boundaries of Los Angeles have been ablaze for several days now. Great grey plumes float in the sky, coloring the sky with a pinky-golden glow. The ash began to fall last night. A thick blanket of feathery ash lay atop our valley. Even as I type this, the glow keeps increasing, the white linen curtains have gone from grey to vermillion in seconds. My gut keeps whispering, just stay inside.
Posted by Alberta Art Classes at 8:08 AM 1 comments